Home Education

Welcome to Teach My child at Home!

Learning at home can be such an amazing journey! What your child learns is solely for them. By that I mean that together you decide what you want to learn about. You can follow your child’s interest in whatever direction they choose. If your child really loves History and learning about the past then you can visit the Roman Baths and learn about who the Romans were, what life was like back then. You can develop art skills through the History by creating a mosaic piece. You can learn to bake bread and bring through some Maths by measuring out the correct amount of each ingredients. There is no end to what you can achieve and also the added bonus of tailoring the learning to suit the needs of your child.

How can Teach My Child Help?

At Teach My Child headquarters in Plymouth we offer a range of sessions to enhance and add to your Home Ed journey. On a Thursday morning we have a variety of sessions that are linked to History, Science, Art and DT. Each week is based on a different theme and designed to develop a different skill. We also have some weeks that follow on from one another in a larger project for example this term we will be learning about lighthouses, creating a lighthouse from mod-roc, painting the lighthouse and then adding an electrical circuit with a light at the top. This will be done over three consecutive weeks. Check out the events we currently have on offer on our Facebook page. These sessions are discounted to support parents teaching at home and begin at £8. They vary in price depending on the cost of materials but do not tend to exceed £15.

What about Maths and English?

We also have 3 Maths groups running. These are:

Maths Monsters for children aged 5-7 years.

Maths Magicians for children aged 7-9 years.

Maths Masters for children aged 10-11 years and 11-13.

Each group is designed to support mathematical development through the use of physical materials. Children learn new concepts more quickly if they can visualize what is going on. We use talk and discussion to learn together. Groups range from 2 -4 children currently. Small groups are really beneficial to learning and 4 children is small enough to support those who may have additional needs such as anxiety or ASD. These sessions are a fixed price and affordable for all.

For more information about 1 to 1 tuition please email me at sarah@teachmychild.co.uk for more information. I also provide a weekly email that gives you tips and ideas for helping your child in their learning journey. If you would like to receive these then please use the form below! You will receive a FREE resource on signing up.


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