FREE VE Day resource! Understand the VE Day 2020 celebrations.

This week I have a FREE VE Day resource for you! To get your free copy fill in the form at the bottom of this post and your free resource will be emailed to you.

FREE VE Day resource to download!

At the moment we are all learning at home. This week marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day. This was the day when Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, told the nation at 3pm that the second world war was officially over.

Using the FREE VE Day Resource

Use my resource to share with your child. Firstly, read the text together and answer the questions to test what they have remembered. There are then 5 activities you can choose from to complete. Among them is writing a postcard to a family member that is not there on VE Day. This could tell them about the street parties and the celebrations. In addition to this you could create your own bunting and VE Day posters.

Plans for the day

The VE Day celebrations 2020 are somewhat changed due to the Coronavirus. Therefore, there are plans to celebrate this in August on the VJ Day celebrations. May 8th 2020 is a Bank Holiday for the UK to mark the 75th anniversary. People will be celebrating with their families at home. There have been suggestions of having a picnic in the garden with tea and cake. The BBC will be showing a programme to mark the day at 2:45pm. This will be interesting for your child to see. At 8pm there will be war songs with Dame Vera Lynn culminating in a UK-wide rendition of her famous “We’ll meet again.”

Despite the fact that we cannot have street parties at the moment we will come together and unite as one – all be it in a socially distanced fashion!

If you would like to have my VE Day resource emailed directly to you please use the sign up form below.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Natalie Baker

    Please can I have the VE day resource pack emailed to me. .. Thank you.

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