What do people say about us at

Teach My Child?

We’re very proud of our tutor reviews. It is really important to us that we give you value. The single most important value at Teach My Child is ensuring your child enjoys their learning. Enjoyment in learning is crucial to make progress. If your child is happy then they will learn.

Maths Tutor Reviews

“We joined Teach My Child as Hope was struggling with Maths and wasn’t enjoying previous tutoring. Getting Hope to tutoring previously has been a real battle, involving tears and great upset.

Since joining Teach My Child this no longer happens. She positively beams after each session and looks forward to coming. Hope enjoys everything about the sessions.

Sarah makes the sessions fun and interactive. She listens and explains things clearly without making her feel stupid. I would 100% recommend Sarah.”


(Hope’s Mum) Plymouth
Hope loves Maths sessions!

“Even though Matias needs extra support having someone like Sarah , being so patient and understanding made him feel comfortable and relaxed.

The sessions are in a nice environment and Matias is happy to come to the sessions and doesn’t feel under any pressure which is good.

I would recommend Teach My Child – thank you, Matias has enjoyed every single session!”


(Matias Mum) Plymouth
Matias enjoys learning using materials.

“Our children joined Teach My Child as we wanted to give them a boost with Maths. Both Charlie and Olivia enjoy the fun approach to learning – they love using the physical materials.

I’m extremely grateful that they are enjoying the lessons. It is rare for children to enjoy extra lessons so thank you very much Sarah, for helping them to enjoy maths!

I would highly recommend Teach My Child.”


(Charlie and Olivia’s Mum) Plymouth.
Charlie and Olivia are making great progress with their Home Ed Activities.

“Sarah is patient and kind. My son struggles with school work but these sessions have really helped him.”



Home Ed Reviews

“The activities are fun and exciting with a very nice teacher. It’s good to learn.”

Zach aged 7, Plymouth.

Fun, relaxed yet educational sessions from a friendly and knowledgeable teacher.”


(Zach’s Mum), Plymouth.

Jungle Fun!

Jody, Portia’s Mum says, “Portia had a brilliant time with Sarah today and can’t wait for the next session!”

Portia loves learning to sew.

Bee Bot Mania

“The girls really enjoyed programming the bee bot and were great at guessing how far they would need to tell the bee bot to move to get to a specific space on the map.”


Teach My Child Teacher

Mange Tout!

“This session focused on learning to name typical French foods and then learning to order food in French using the phrase ‘Je voudrais…’ The children enjoyed trying the foods and were able to talk about which ones they liked best.”


Teach My Child Teacher

What a Basket Case!

Claire said, “Thanks very much for a lovely morning!”

Symmetrical Art

“I get this! It’s when you have to have the same on both sides of the line.” Well done Zach!

Design a Pillowcase!

Claire said, “Yay! That’s great! Thanks Sarah, Zach loves his pillowcase! See you next time.”

Jody said, “This is great Portia has even learnt how to iron! She really loved this activity and is so proud to cuddle into her pillow on her day bed!”