
Does your child struggle in school?

Do they appear fine in school yet have meltdowns at home?

Do you wish your child’s school would do more? Do you know how to get school to give your child more support?

Are you at your wits’ end? Do you feel like your child is a square peg in a round-hole school system without the right support?


Sarah Lamerton - Author of "How The School System Fails Children With Needs (And What You Can Do About It)

The school system is failing children with needs.

Thankfully you are not alone. Help is at hand. With over 20 years experience teaching children with needs and as a parent of two children with additional needs, Sarah Lamerton, author of “How The School System Fails Children With Needs (And What You Can Do About It)” is here to support you.

Get your FREE copy of “From Meltdowns and Masking to Happy and Confident: 5 Easy Changes Your Child’s School Could Make.”

Enter your details to learn how to spot when you’re being fobbed off, how to ask for reasonable adjustments and the type of support you could get for your child in school.

Enter your details here to get your FREE 5 step guide:

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Book a support call with me now!

If you know that you need help and you’d like to skip ahead and book a call with me then you can do so in Calendly here.

Special offer – a 60 minute call is £75 and will give you the opportunity to share your current struggles with the school system and then we can unpick what changes and adjustments could be made to support your child in the right way.

I am here for you, to support you with navigating the school system and bridging the gap between school and home.